For the next 2 months we will work on Citizen Participation, as we consider this topic very important in actuality. As you propably have heard of the Arabic revolution, the Spanish Revolution or the Occupy Movement and everything they have achieved. Now, we want you to create an idea of youth participation in your area and to realize it.
How will you do that?
Step 1: You have to get in touch with one organization or movement that is fighting for social improvement.
Talk with them, look how they work and which methods they use to achieve their goals. Write your conclusions and take pictures of that meeting
Step 2: Make a small inquiry about what youngsters in your area need
Step 3: Make your choice of the outcomes of your inquiry
Step 4: Create an initiative of youth participation in aim of achieving your goals. Please make a short video of it or take pictures.


Actividad nº 1
 Los siguientes dos meses vamos a dedicar a la particpación ciudadana, una herramienta de las más importantes y actuales en este momento. Probablemente habeís escuchado hablar de la Primavera Arabe, la Revolución Española o el Movimiento Occupy y los logros conseguidos gracias a las actuaciones de los ciudadanos. Ahora, nos gustaría que vosotros como grupo creaís una iniciativa de participación ciudadana en vuestra localidad.
¿Cómo hacerlo?
Paso 1: Pon os en contacto con alguna organización que reindivica mejoras sociales. Acude a uno de sus encuentros, toma nota de cómo trabajan y para qué. Publica vuestra impresión de su trabajo y las fotos de la reunión.
Paso 2: Haz una pequeña entrevista de las necesidades que puedan tener los jóvenes en vuestra localidad.
Paso 3: Elige uno de los puntos por reindivicar.
Paso 4: Realiza una acción conjunta reindivicativa. No se os olvide tomar fotos u/o grabaciones cortas.

We finished the second part of Sustainable Development  Activity.
PLACE: Antalya Anatolian High School Garden
TIME: 21 May, 2012
AIM: How do we deal with the different situations.
1.We put the youngsters into three groups.
2.We supposed that every group was living in different cities in Turkey and we gave different cities name to each groups, such as Alanya, Kemer, Manavgat and Our travel began.
3.While we were playing the game, we felt really in the real world of the game.
4.We as families discussed how we could manage the difficulties in our lives.
5.While playing we enjoyed a lot.
6.The routes that we chose sometimes made us unhappy but in the end we all found the solution to stand to difficulties.
Golden Orange Youth Club -TURKEY

Spanish Revolution Meeting/ La Adrada
On February 12th we went to a meeting of Spanish Revolution in a nearby village. They showed us the way they acted and communication strategy. The meeting was going to take place in the association’s hall in La Adrada, but we moved to Piedralaves, another town, where a quad and motorbike rally was going to take place in a Protected Natural Area. This means that the Town Hall had approved the raid, not minding the protected environment. Once in Piedralaves we settled in a park in front of the church to begin the meeting. We discussed topics as the unfair labour reform Act, just approved by the government that ignores the workers’ rights. We also discussed on the quad rally. Of course there were different opinions, against it and agreeing with it, but the most discussed topic was the lack of respect towards the Natural Area shown by the Town Hall. Eventually we planned an ecological event: A race with ecological vehicles only and we discussed a name for it.

Saturday, 17 of March, the Asociation Jóvenes Solidarios organized the first bicycle flashmob in our village. We called al youth of Arenas to join us in this happening, together with their bicycles, scooters and skates and to help us to help us to make a statement for youth as citizens. At the same time we took the opportunity to ask the City Hall for the maintenance of the bike halfpipe they use to make bycicle jumps.

We have two projects in citizen participation part.
 I-a) An interview with the teacher of "Guidance and social affairs department" of our school.
    b) To take part in an inroduction of Sabancı University from İstanbul.

     Aim: How are the youngsters supported by the school and universities on the way of choosing their jobs...
     Place: The conference hall in Antalya Anatolian High School
     Time: 20th March 2012

Sabancı University which is one of the most popular and best known university in İstanbul were invited to Antalya Anatolian High School to give a seminar about the introduction of the university and to help how younsters should be conscious about the jobs they will choose in the future.

The students of Antalya Anatolian High School are mostly prefered by the universities. Because they are chosen for the school by eliminating examination system.
Our project team took part in the seminar on that day.
After the seminar the students told that it was a great chance for them to communicate with the experts from that university directly. During the seminar the youngsters took photos videos and made an interview with the chancellor of the university.
 II-Visiting a secondary school which is at the rural area.
              A visit to a Primary School in a rural area.
On 11.04.2012 , We visited Gültekin Primary School with 25 students and project team. There we gave gifts to students who are at the age of 7. They were very happy when they got their gifts. In the school garden the youngsters played with them. We stayed there for 2 hours. The youngsters thought that it was a fascinating and interesting activity and they would like to do this kind of activities in the following days.
            We also became partner school with Gültekin Primary School and we belive that our heart and help will always be with them.