YP = OF Project

General aim:
To give the youth a base for tolerance and culture of peace by letting them understand that there can be more true’s, than just your own and that all of them can be right at the same time, depending on the context in which you are living it.
- To promote cultural diversity among the youth   
 - To encourage and to design new forms of youth participation as citizens                                                                                             
 - To contribute to a Culture of Peace and No Violence
Activities foreseen
September:            Preparation of the project and assigning tasks and responsibilities of each  
October – June:    Treasure Hunt
March:                  Seminar in Spain for the youth workers (2 per country) with the aim of sharing the experience in working with youth the Cultural Diversity, Youth Participation and Sustainable Development. Additionally an evaluation of the project so far and planning considering the evaluation for the following months.
July:                      Youth exchange.  Additionally we will evaluate the project with the youth.
September:               Final evaluation
Youth workers Seminar: Arenas de San Pedro, Spain
Youth Seminar: To confirm yet.
Number of participants
Youth workers: 17
Young people:  Approximately 240

Description of tangible results
Active participation of 8 youth groups from 8 different countries, majority from rural areas
Carrying out all the phases of the Treasure Hunt by every participating group
4 video conferences between all groups
1 Seminar addressed to the youth workers (duration: 4 days) “How to work the Diversity, Youth Participation and Culture of No Violence with young people”.
Youth exchange (duration:10 days) “How to do increase the Youth Participation within the Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development”
Created networks between the participating organization
Creation of future projects, individual and in common
Dissemination strategy
The most important dissemination factor at the same the most tangible result of this project is the creation of the blog site www.yourparticipation=ourfuture.com and all its components. Everybody is able to follow the whole process of the project by visiting the blog, check all the results, outcomes, opinions, memory as well the final evaluation.
All through the project all participants will be in charge to give a mayor diffusion of the project in the press, TV and radio.
During both congresses there press and TV will present.
Envisaged impact
With this project we hope to achieve firstly a dynamic, creative, tolerant and solidair youth conscious of the importance of the youth participation and its involvement in social and political issues as well creating of youth networks over the world. Through the blog site we hope to reach a mayor audience and serve them as a source and example of motivation and inspiration.